Dream Center

The heart behind the mission of New Roots is to end Generational poverty in our village of Chiron Haiti.  The way we go about our mission is quite a bit different to how many missions choose to work in poverty stricken areas.
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Transition Back and Local Gangs

I knew transitioning back to Haiti after 7.5 months in the States was going to present its challenges.  I was prepared to work through the heat, food, power, isolation, and the “everythings always broken” struggles.

Missionary Homeschool Teacher Needed

Looking for a year of adventure, educating some amazing kiddos?  Always dreamed of spending time abroad?  Not wanting to do distance learning this coming school year?  We might just have the perfect job for you! We are searching for a homeschool teacher for our fo ...

Not Every Day is Easy

Theres a lot of things that happen here in Haiti that we don’t always report on. We try to represent Haiti in a positive light and therefore keep a lot of more negative stories to ourselves.  On Valentines Morning we woke up to a call from ...

Carnival Haiti – 2020

Mardi Gras, Carnival, Fat Tuesday, whatever you like to call it is pretty big deal in Haiti.  Most years, Hundreds of Thousands are spent building huge stages for the days of parades and festivals.  Each year a city is chosen in Haiti to host the Carnival.  Like any big festiv ...

Corn Harvest – January 2020

1,327 lbs of corn.. That number is now stuck in head.. For each ton (2000 lbs) of finisher chicken feed we mill we use 1,327 lbs of corn.  That represents 66% of the total volume of the feed.  We can use 2000 lbs of feed in about 3 days, depending on production levels. It ...

Oh The Irony

Last week something really ironic happened here on the farm. I probably should be more stressed and upset than I am, but I'm choosing to believe instead that this is actually going to work out for the best. For the past year and a half we have been leasing an acre of land adj ...

We have NO idea

Ok, let’s be honest for a minute.  Nick and I have lived in Haiti for almost 10 years now, yet we still have NO IDEA what life is like outside our gate.  I mean we truly can not even come close to comprehending what life is like for our empl ...

Together We CAN

One of the values that we push here on the farm is the concept that it takes ALL of us to make this happen.  Each member of the farm provides a critical input needed to collectively benefit everyone.  This means we have to trust each other,  we collectively want everyone to su ...

How Haitiens are getting Poorer everyday.

When people think of Haiti, they often think of poverty. We work hard to always paint a positive picture of life here. Haiti is an amazing, beautiful country and we love working here. But the truth is that things overall aren’t going well for our beloved country and unfortun ...